They can be equipped with accessories such as regulating spindles. Water Jet Eductors can also be staged with higher vacuum steam ejectors.In this case, the eductor serves both as the final pumping stage as well as a fairly good direct contact condenser, condensing the motive steam from When designing eductors experience is all-important to correctly design the nozzle, diffuser, and body and their relative positions as they are all highly critical and vary according to the physical properties of the liquids.Applications are so numerous, it is impossible to note all of them.General uses include lifting, pumping, mixing, and agitating of liquids as well as handling granular solids and slurries. Low Cost - Units are small in relation to the work they do and cost is correspondingly low.Self Priming - Eductors are self-priming.They operate equally well in continuous or intermittent service. No Moving Parts - Eductors are exceedingly simple and reliabl-e.They require little attention, only periodic inspection and maintenance Even when equipped with accessories such as regulating spindles snap valves, float mechanisms, There are no moving parts to wear or break in a basic eductor. Corrosion and Erosion Resistant - Because they can be made of practically any workable material, or coated with corrosion-resistant materials eductors can be made highly resistant to the actions of the liquids handled or.Safe - Eductors can be used in hazardous locations where electrically operated alternates would require explosion proofing at considerable cost.Versatile - Various piping arrangements permit adapting to environmental conditions.#WATER JET EJECTOR DESIGN CALCULATION FREE#Įductors of vanoustypes can handle granular solids, semi-solids, and slurries without contamination.#WATER JET EJECTOR DESIGN CALCULATION RAR#.